End of A Big Week
RR: Skyline Ridge Trail Race

Check Out This Movie!

"Runners High" -- documentary about the Students Run Oakland program. We went Monday night to the premier and it's a very inspirational film. Anyone who has run any time at all around the Bay Area will recognize Coach Alphonzo because he's out there everywhere. He, the directors, the ED of SROakland and the main kids from the film were there and answered questions afterwards. Hopefully they will get a distribution deal and everyone can add it to their Netfix list!

A few more chances to see it in SF.


Monday, April 24 • 7pm AMC Kabuki
Thursday, April 27 • 10am AMC Kabuki
Saturday, April 29 • 3:30pm AMC Kabuki
Tuesday, May 2 • 8:30pm El Rio
For more information about the festival and tickets, go to http://sfiff.org/fest06/index.html

More info at:


The Chronicle's review:




Hey Cathy, when I saw this post of yours I wrote to the producers and asked if they could send me a copy of the film to preview and write up an article about it - and they did! I'm very excited to watch it, looks inspiring. Thanks for writing about it.

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