Ah, Brazil
One More Sleep

Crisis Averted!

We got back to the room tonight and the maid had THROWN AWAY MY RACE BAGS!!!!!!! (For those of you who don't know....you get 6 bags, all in different colors, labeled with your race number and what the bag is for--pre-swim bag; swim bag; T1/bike bag; T2/run bag; special needs bike bag; special needs run bag.) I almost had a heart attack as the T1 and T2 bags must be turned in tomorrow. Luckily, the dude at the front desk was able to go find them. NO TIP FOR THE MAID! And thank goodness for the Brazilian guy who is racing too and was in there on the computer since the gal at the desk speaks no English and I speak very little Portuguese.

The bags are now sitting in the corner, half filled, and tomorrow when we leave the room at any time before tomorrow afternoon when we check everything in, they will be taped in the corner with the electrical tape. I knew I threw that tape in for some reason.

Carbo dinner tonight. Not quite the same production as an IMNA, NZ or Kona event. Very Brazilian--go with the flow and start on Brazilian time. Samba dancers and lots of drums. We'd eaten a big lunch at 4PM, so we didn't eat much, but we did enjoy the music and the dancing.

We also drove the bike course today and the run course. And, I ran 20 minutes this morning and rode 50 minutes. Got a last minute tweak on my bike and bought a Brazil jersey. We also went back to the expo this afternoon to do a little shopping (dri-fit shirt and very cool jacket).




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