sexta-feira (aka friday)
RR: IM Brasil

Tomorrow Is Going To Be A Great Day

Well, bike and bags are checked in, we've had dinner, bottles made for the morning and everything laid out. I was going to hit the bed and read and try to get to sleep early but CRAP! Sergio knocked on the door about an hour ago to get the car keys. Max from Kona Bikes had called and he had a different Cervelo (a new P3C) for Sergio! So Sergio headed off to the TA to swap out bikes. He just got back and is set up on a brand new Cervelo P3C w/disk and Olaf's Xentis front wheel. THANK YOU SO MUCH CID SR. AND INSIDE-OUT SPORTS!!!! AND MAX AND KONA BIKES BRASIL!!!! You guys totally rock.

Photos from today are at:

Wind is blowing big time tonight (flags straight out). Hope it dies down over night.

Sergio, Andrea and I swam this morning at 7:45 and the wind was already blowing then and there were white caps and waves coming in. That didn't make me very happy, but I got in and swim for 15:00 (not that far since there was a lot of stopping). After the swim, I went and ran 15:00. Felt good on the run. After the swim and run, it was a shower and breakfast, then about an hour later, Sergio and I rode down to the expo to make a little adjustment to the loaner bike then we headed out on the first out/back. I rode about 34 minutes and again, felt really good. That was all the training for the day for me.

Sergio still had a run to do, so after packing our bags, Peter and I headed off in the car and went two beaches over to Ingeles and had lunch, sitting on the beach. After lunch, we drove over to the next beach, Praia Santinho, where the waves were a lot larger. It was then time to drive back and put our feet up. At 5PM, the four of us (Andrea too) all rode our bikes down to the TA and got the bikes and bags checked in. Sergio got an on camera interview and then we made a last minute stop at the Power Bar booth, then it was a long walk along the beach in the moonlight to the hotel. Well, we did stop and have dinner, then to the hotel.

Last Monday night after dinner here, I walked down to the beach and wrote a time in the sand. I'll find out tomorrow night if I was close.



Good luck!

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