Book Report: "The Man Who Swam the Amazon"

A Little Set Back

I'd had a follow-up appointment scheduled with the surgeon for this past week so after the little accident a couple of weeks ago, I didn't go see her immediately. I was just bruised and I was in to see Rich the PT and if anything were seriously wrong, he would have sent me to the doctor.

So I go in to see her this week and she sees my (much improved) black, blue multicolored knee and thigh and her first words were, "What the heck did you do!!!" I told her the story and she just shook her head. After some poking and prodding, she said, "Well, at least you didn't break anything, but I don't want you riding outdoors for now."  WHAT?!?!?!  Because of lack of daylight and time limitations due to work, I have to ride indoors during the week, so facing long rides on the weekend about put me over the edge. After discussion with Rich and with Kenny, it was decided that if the weather were bad, I'd ride indoors. 

And what was the weather this weekend? Crappy. So I had an hour on the trainer on Saturday and 90 minutes on the trainer today. I'm also supposed to be working on one-legged pedaling and that's pretty hard! Between one-legged drills and spin ups to work on high cadence, I'm pretty wiped tonight. But the good news is that my bruises are getting a lot better. 

Today was the Brisbane Crit, so this afternoon Mouse Dan (another one on the IR) and I drove down to cheer on the Cat. 4 Mice men. A very exciting race, won by Rainer and Mouse Hank was 3rd. Solid work by Isaias and the other guys. Congrats!


Nice and bruised. Pencil shows where the most pain is.


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