Ten Questions With Daniel Holloway
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
My goal for this year is to add some current content to the Hellyer Velodrome website and I'll be doing a series of rider and race promoter interviews. They have all appeared at http://www.ridethetrack.com. Daniel was my guinea pig.
1. How did you go from skating to the bike? HTTP://WWW.PEZCYCLINGNEWS.COM/PHOTOS/RACES10/SIX10/COP2-WOW.JPG 7. Aside from making funny little movies, what do you guys do when you are on the road? HTTP://WWW.PEZCYCLINGNEWS.COM/PHOTOS/RACES10/SIX10/COP2-HOLLO.JPG Note: Pez has a couple of really good articles on the Copenhagen 6. HTTP://WWW.PEZCYCLINGNEWS.COM/?PG=FULLSTORY&ID=7973&STATUS=TRUE&CATNAME=RACENEWS10 HTTP://WWW.PEZCYCLINGNEWS.COM/?PG=FULLSTORY&ID=7983&STATUS=TRUE&CATNAME=LATEST%20NEWS
When I was around 13 or so my dad started to look for something to do in the summer to cross train. Before I knew it I was hooked and slowly stopped skating.
2. What is your favorite place that you've raced so far (not counting Hellyer)?
I love racing, so to me where doesn’t really stick out. Some races that have stuck out were Philly, Roubaix, and races in Spain.
3. Track or the road?
Its so hard to answer this question. The track is so pure and raw, but the road is brutal and smooth. You have to love each of them from what they are.
4. What is your favorite event to race on the track?
I love the Miss and Out.
5. For those who don't know about 6-day races, how do they work?
6-Days is a stage race on the track with a partner basically. We race 6 nights in a row and the team who has taken the most laps wins, if there is multiple teams on the same laps, it goes to who has the most points. In a normal night we do 2 Chase’s (Madisons if you will) only there is typically only sprints in the last 30 laps. 30-20-10-0. We also do flying lap records, points races, team miss and outs, and derny races.
6. What would you tell someone who has raced some on the track but are a little afraid to do some Madison training?
There is no reason to be scared of a Madison, it is something you have to practice and get comfortable with.
Me personally, I probably spend way to much time on the internet, but we watch movies on the computers, have random off the wall chats and arguments on tons of different subjects.
8. This year you'll be riding for Bissell (congrats!) What is your racing schedule looking like?
We havn’t had camp yet so a set schedule isn’t to firm right now. For sure I have Copenhagen 6 in the beginning of Feb, a real big crit in Singapore, hopefully Worlds and then a possible trip to Belgium for 4 weeks to get things moving for the NRC and other big American races.
9. Lots of people think the life of a professional bike racer is all glamour. What's the best thing about it? And what's the worst?
The best part of the job is seeing so many different places. There is no way this would happen if I was working a 9-5 somewhere. The worst part is the actual act of traveling. Packing your bags, and dealing with everything in the airport. I’ve learned to switch off once I enter an airport. No need to stress over what you cant control.
10. What is one piece of advice you'd give to a beginning racer?
Have fun!! If your not having fun success wont come as easy and is harder to enjoy!